Convertidor de videos avi a mp4
Convertidor de videos avi a mp4

convertidor de videos avi a mp4 convertidor de videos avi a mp4 convertidor de videos avi a mp4

Opening the above html file plays sound but no video is displayed. $ ffmpeg -y -fflags +genpts -i input.avi -acodec copy -vcodec copy ouput.mp4 Html browser Your browser does not support the video tag So I thought everything would be OK displaying the bellow page HTML5 web page I can successfully convert it to mp4 and the targetfile is readable (video + sound) with the totem movie player. The original file has an AVI container format. I'm trying to display a mp4 video inside my browser. The article he quotes mentions using multi-pass conversion, which is a good way to achieve better compression without sacrificing quality.I'm running a debian 7.5 machine with ffmpeg-2.2 installed following these instructions Issue Marty Jay helpfully mentions that sameq means same quantizer as in the input, which may not result in the same quality. The last time I transcoded video I used qscale=8.0, but I'd suggest that you experiment to find the optimum to match the quality of your input. The lower the number the better the quality, but the more space your file will take. Alternatively, you may want to use the qscale option to set the quality manually. I hope you can use zetah's suggestion above in his comment and use the -sameq switch. If you must transcode because you need to use a particular video codec

convertidor de videos avi a mp4

codec:copy may be helpful if you don't have a reason to transcode (and it should be faster). You always lose a little quality whenever you transcode from one codec to another, video or audio, but perhaps you can avoid it if you only want to change from MP4 container type to an AVI container.

Convertidor de videos avi a mp4